The Human Connection and Real Estate

Every Agent has their own technique, their own style, their own personality. Every individual is different, and that is a good thing, right?

Life would be mighty dull and painstakingly boring if we all walked around thinking, speaking, and behaving the same way. That sounds like a world I would rather not be a part of. Interactions with people from different walks of life keep things exciting and intriguing.

Now, let's also face the music; we, as humans, do not resonate with everyone we meet. Maybe someone rubs us the wrong way, or we judge a book by its cover and don't get to know the person behind what we initially see. That's okay; again, we are human.

There is a saying that I live by, "for every person that does not resonate with you at all, there is someone that resonates with you completely." Why has this quote rung so true for me over the years? I will tell you. 

Let me start by saying that this goes both ways; you will meet people you don't gel with, and vice versa. So don't be offended when this quote rings true for you because someone has decided that they do not, in fact, resonate with you ... at all. 

Let's get down to business. I am going to share a personal story with you about a time when this faithful saying changed the trajectory of my career. When I first got into real estate, I was fortunate enough to be mentored by a fantastic Agent and his team. WOW - what an opportunity, and it was. My career kicked off in somewhat of an unusual manner; I was closing deals and bringing in clients ... quickly! I had $11,000,000 worth of real estate under contract in less than 5 months. That just doesn’t happen very often. As I began to navigate the ropes of learning something completely new, I was given guidance and aid by some incredibly knowledgeable people. My mentors. Grateful I most certainly was/am. However, I soon realized that our styles of communication and processes of executing/moving through a deal were utterly different. I am going to say this because of the magnitude of its importance. This was of no fault of any party. It was a classic tale of "we just aren't on the same page.

I recall one conversation in particular. We weren't hearing each other, and around and around and around, the conversation went. We had strong personalities in the room, mine included. Not a bad thing, the only negative thing about it in this instance was that our strong opinions led us to disagree on some fundamental topics. The clash led to the realization that I wanted to be an independent Agent. I wanted to make my own rules and operate in a way that I knew I would be the most successful. That isn't such an awful thing as it turns out. Not for any of us. I admire them all greatly. However, I knew that my path was different and I had to trust my gut on that one. I am glad that I did. 

Here is my take on how this plays into the world of real estate (and beyond) and why it is crucial for you to consider this when picking an Agent (let's also get one thing clear, I am not saying that you have to choose me as your Realtor, but I am insinuating it. Kidding, sort of). 

When accepting a Client, I operate under this same motto. When you select your Agent, you should certainly do the same. Do we resonate with each other? Can we agree with one another on the critical issues at hand? Are our goals aligned, and do we share the same vision? In the same token, remember that we must always do our best to give grace if we wish to receive it in return. People are not perfect and cannot be expected to be.

The lesson of this story is that you cannot fit square pegs into round holes. What do I mean by that? You cannot make someone into a version of themselves that you prefer. Someone else cannot make you into a version of yourself that they prefer. We take people as they are and decide if we mesh well or not. 

I hope this quote holds as much weight in your life as it has in mine. I think of it often in my personal life and in business. Remember that it is okay to make changes when we come to the realization that something isn't working, when something just isn’t resonating. You never know what amazing "something" could be waiting for you just around the corner.


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